About Me

Who am I?

I’m a healthcare information technology management executive with 16+ years experience in health care management, management consulting, process improvement, and strategy. I’m a results-oriented leader with proven record of creating strategic solutions to business challenges for healthcare providers and payers.
Core competencies include:

  • Program and Project Management
  • Hospital/Clinical Information Systems
  • Team Building and Leadership
  • Process Redesign
  • Hospital Operations
  • Mentoring and Coaching

Some of the things I’m proud of:

  • Spearheaded and lead corporate change at all levels.  Drove strong and sustained profit improvements by implementing information technology and human process changes aimed at controlling costs, improving quality, and providing stable departmental operations with high employee retention rates.
  • Provided leadership to a revenue enhancement project that identified and produced annual increases in excess of $1.5 million in net revenues from two hospital emergency departments (30,000 visits).
  • Championed and developed a Revenue Cycle Enhancement service line from inception to a fully functioning, profitable service line, with $800,000 in year one revenue.
  • Achieved positive cohesive culture across all levels of staff through proactive management style, clear communication, service standards, staff focus and accountability


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